19th January 2022
Hello again,
so you seem to have stumbled upon this article about Fractional Laser. Now with you’re actively researching this treatment in all it’s glory, or you’re just a huge fan of this incredible blog!
Let’s go ahead and assume it’s the former and you’re looking into getting this treatment. I’m sure you have a lot of questions like “what the difference between this and CO2 laser”, “does it hurt”, “when can I see results”. Well sit back grab a coffee and let me explain.
To give you a brief overview…
Er: YAG fractional laser targets both the superficial (epidermis) and deep (dermis) layers of the skin. It stimulates cell renewal on the epidermis, which smoothens out the texture of the skin. It also targets the dermis by promoting the relaying of collagen. This treatment can improve skin texture, reduce static lines, wrinkles and acne scarring. We should also mention that as with many treatments, individual results may very slightly, we’re all built differently and some people’s skin takes to it quicker than others.
Quick downtime? Yes Please!
At the clinic we offer the fractionated ablative Er:YAG (2940nm) laser resurfacing treatment. There is significantly less downtime with this type of laser resurfacing as compared to the traditional CO2 laser resurfacing (hopefully that answers your question from earlier) it’s also far less intense and easier on the skin (there you go answered another question). Downtime varies among individuals, but usually about a week max.
OK, cool, but what about the results?
Results are generally visible after the surface skin cells have shed, but continuous improvement can be seen after a few months. We’d probably recommend 3-6 treatment sessions (each treatment at minimum 3 months apart) to see those “WOW” results. Also be strict with the SPF and use sun protection before and after the procedure as this will help to reduce the risk of pigmentary changes.
So go on then, what does this treatment target?
- lines and wrinkles
- crepey and loose skin
- Age spots
- enlarged pores, rough skin texture, dull skin
- acne scars
You’ve convinced me, how do I book treatment?
In order to start your journey you will need to have a consultation first. This helps us identify your long term skin goals and whether this is a suitable treatment option for you.
To enquire, simply visit our contact page to find our details, and we’ll arrange a consultation at a date and time to suit you.
Photo cred: People photo created by drobotdean – www.freepik.com