12th January 2022
Above all other concerns, this is what impacts those with hair loss the most. Trust us we get it, thinning hair can feel devastating and can leave you feeling really low at times.
So to answer this question simply, YES!
Yes PRP treatment can massively improve your confidence and bring back that spring in your step, that glint in your eye, and that overwhelming urge to check out your hair in a shop window reflection. Great news, right?
So we know what your thinking now…
How long does it take to work?
Well this can be slightly different from patient to patient but we usually start to see decent results after the 3 month mark – remember this is a marathon, not a sprint, or whatever the cliched phrase it! The treatment itself, takes around 20-30 minutes. So we would usually recommend 3-6 treatments at monthly intervals to achieve the very best results for both hair loss and skin rejuvenation.
How long do the results last?
The results tend to last until mother nature takes her cause and natural ageing occurs. We also strongly recommend using maintenance treatments to improve the longevity of the results.
For hair loss, treatments tend to last an average of 6-12 months. After completing a course of treatments, it is recommended that you have a maintenance treatment every 6-12 months, just think of this as a top up.
How much does PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatment cost?
PRP Treatment varies in price from £350 for one session or £1800 for a course of six sessions.

How do I book treatment?
In order to start your journey to your new and improved head of hair you will need to have a consultation first. This helps us identify your long term hair goals and whether this is a suitable treatment option for you.
To enquire, simply visit our contact page to find our details, and we’ll arrange a consultation at a date and time to suit you.