2nd February 2022
and can I get it removed?
If you’ve stumbled across this blog I assume you’ve either got milia, potentially think you have it, or you’re wondering what on earth it is. Well if it’s any of these that’s fine because I’m going to break just what a milia is and have to get rid of it.
Soooo…what is it then?
Milia is found just under your upper layer of skin in the form of very small, solid white specs, often referred to as milk or white spots. These are mostly, but not exclusively found around the eye area. Milia can also be found in other areas of the face including your cheeks, chin, nose and mouth.
But why do I have them?
Milia is caused when you get a build of dead skin cells under your skin which become trapped. But don’t freak out, it doesn’t mean you’re not cleansing enough, these are very common.
How do I get rid of them then?
At Lumiere Clinic we have a couple of different options for getting rid of Milia, including Milia extractions and skin peels. Upon your visit to the clinic we will discuss the different treatments and work out which one we think would be best for you and your skin. Depending on the state of your skin and how well it responds you may need anything between one to three treatments.
Are the treatments painful?
Ultimately? No! Depending on your pain threshold, and your chosen treatment, you may feel some slight discomfort at the beginning of the treatment but that only lasts a few short moments and you will very quickly get used to the feeling.
What do the results look like?

So can I book?
You sure can! We ask firstly that every patient visits us for a consultation first, just to do any necessary test on your skin and to see which milia removal treatment suits you best. Following on from this we will be able to begin your treatment.
To enquire, simply visit our contact page to find our details, and we’ll arrange a consultation at a date and time to suit you.