2nd April 2019
Hyperpigmentation is a very common skin condition that can be treated with a variety of different approaches, depending on their causes. What causes hyperpigmentation, and how can you treat it?
The causes of hyperpigmentation
In general, hyperpigmentation occurs when the skin is damaged or inflamed. Because hyperpigmentation is a reaction to some form of skin trauma, it can develop very suddenly or accumulate over time. Sun exposure is a common trigger for hyperpigmentation. The ultraviolet rays in sunlight trigger the pigment cells in the skin (called melanocytes) to transfer pigment (called melanin) into the skin, which leads to darkening of the skin. Sun exposure commonly plays a role in triggering pigmentary skin conditions such as freckles, sun spots and melasma (a common skin condition with symmetrical dark patches on the forehead, cheeks, sometimes upper lip). Skin damage through injury, eczema, psoriasis and acne scarring is another common reason for developing hyperpigmentation. As the damaged and surrounding skin cells become inflamed, they trigger the pigment cells to transfer pigment into the skin.
Topical treatments
There are certain topical treatments and specialised skin care products that are effective at treating hyperpigmentation. First of all, the cause of hyperpigmentation needs to be correctly identified, diagnosed and treated. At our Lumiere Clinic, we have our Consultant Dermatologist who can help you identify, diagnose and treat your hyperpigmentation.
For example, if hyperpigmentation is caused by acne or eczema, these conditions need to be treated and controlled first before improving the hyperpigmentation. Once the underlying condition is treated, hyperpigmentation can be effectively treated with specialised skin care products and prescription-based topical treatments, carefully selected and tailored by our Dermatologist to suit your skin type and skin condition. We have hydroquinone-based skin lightening creams, and non-hydroquinone-based lightening creams (containing certain plant extracts and vitamins) to help improve your hyperpigmentation. The regime usually consists of a period of 4-6 months of intensive treatment, followed by maintenance strategies to prevent recurrence of hyperpigmentation.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels in general are another method of treating stubborn hyperpigmentation, but for real results you should seek peels specifically formulated to suit your skin type. The Obagi Blue Peel or Dermamelan peel, available from Lumiere skin clinic, are medical-grade chemical peels that combine active substances to regulate the overproduction of melanin. A consultation is needed to assess your suitability for these peels as some peels will need a period of skin preparation first.
Laser/Light-based treatments
IPL (Intense pulsed light) treatment is an option for reducing the appearance of freckles or isolated dark sun spots. We use IPL to treat pigmentation, as well as vascular outbreaks, and areas of redness.
The areas of darker pigment absorb the bursts of light which heats up and breaks apart pigmentation. As they breakdown, your body naturally flushes them away over time. A course of repeat treatments is usually recommended in order to enact visible change in your treated areas. This treatment is best suited for fairer skin type individuals and not suitable for hyperpigmentation due to melasma or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Preventing hyperpigmentation
One extremely reliable way of preventing the development of hyperpigmentation is using a broad-spectrum sun protection whenever you’re exposed to the sun. Choose a sunscreen with at least SPF30 and wear this all year round. Look out for ingredients in sunscreen such as zinc oxide or titanium dixodie, as these are physical barriers that can reflect the sun rays away from the skin.
If you have melasma, it is best to avoid hormonal treatments such as combined oral contraceptive pills, or hormone replacement therapy. They may play a role in worsening the pigmentation.
Your skin clinic in Manchester
If you’re searching for a reliable dermatologist-led skin clinic in Manchester, then look no further than Lumiere Clinic. Our team of professionals will be more than happy to meet with you and discuss your skin’s needs. Book your initial appointment today!