23rd August 2022
As it’s still summer, you may have been or are soon to be going on Holiday (or maybe you’re just praying for some bank holiday sun). There’s also a high likely hood that you are more concerned about how safe procedures like IPL are on our skin.
Well whilst it’s recommended to be cautious there isn’t really anything to worry about.
But IPL will make my skin more sensitive to the sun won’t it?
This is a tricky one to answer, because in theory, yes it will make it more sensitive, however this can be avoided by how well you take care of your skin following your exposure to the sun.
IPL is designed to remove sunspots, rosacea, wrinkles, and give your skin a general radiance. If you spend a lot of time in the sun, the IPL technique might not work as well.
So I can still get IPL all year round?
The treatments can therefore be performed at any time of the year, though we would advise having them done when there is a good chance of reduced sun exposure. If you can easily pick up colour in the sun in the summer, it can be a little more difficult, and since you are exposed to the sun more, the positive benefits of the treatments won’t stay as long. However, you can still obtain the outcomes you want if you keep your skin covered and protected.
If I were to get IPL in the summer, what would you recommend?
Use a decent SPF cream to prevent skin damage if you opt to receive IPL treatment during the summer. To protect your skin and lessen redness, brown spots, wrinkles, and skin cancer, we do recommend covering up your skin as best you can.
How do I book this?
Book in for a consultation now to discuss your neck lift goals.
To enquire, simply visit our contact page to find our details. We’ll then arrange a consultation at a date and time to suit you.
Cover image: wavebreakmedia_micro