26th January 2022
and the best tips for taking care out it!
After a provocative title like that how can you not want to stop and read more. Well we weren’t joking around, today we’re going to tell you some key tips on how to look after you hair and stop it thinning and becoming damaged.
We all know that taking care of our hair is crucial if you want healthy, glowing hair. So to help you either maintain your hair quality or restore it to its former glory here are a few quick tips.
Washing your Hair
There’s a few dos and don’ts to washing your hair. I’m sure you all know not to wash your hair every single day and not to blast it with heat too often, but did you know your shampooing technique could be causing it damage?
Some common myths that seem to be circulating on social platforms such as TikTok a fair bit at the moment tell us that we should either skip using conditioner altogether, or only use conditioner and no shampoo. Well I can confirm that both of these suggestions are not only wrong, but could also have terrible effects on your hair. Not using conditioner means you are stripping your hair of the crucial oils it needs to stay strong and using only conditioner means you’ll eventually have a substantial build up of dirt which can cause your hair to break and look greasy. After all there is a reason they make both shampoo and conditioner and it’s because they both go hand in hand so greatly. Shampoo is the detergent and conditioner is the polish. See? No need to complicate things.
To get a full coverage gentle clean we recommend starting off by working in your shampoo into the roots and gently brushing it down to the tips of your hair with your fingers. DO NOT what ever you do rub the shampoo into your hair like you often see people on tv do. This can cause breakage in your hair and cause split ends. Let the water wash away the soap suds itself, no need for vigorous hands here.
Looking after wet hair
You’ve just got out of the shower and you’ve probably (and hopefully gently) tower dried your hair and you go to grab your hair brush. Well STOP and work out the options here. Most people, no matter how tempting it is, don’t need to brush their hair straight away. It is highly recommend you wait until your hair has dried a little bit before you brush as again this can cause hair breakage. If you really HAVE to brush your hair (and I mean this passive aggressively because no one HAS to brush it straight away) then you should use a wide-tooth comb as this is a lot gentler on your hair. If however you have curly, wavy or thinning/fine hair then without a shadow of a doubt you should avoid avoid avoid brushing your hair until its dry!
Now for the next part, I’ve mentioned drying a fair bit here so you’re probably wondering what the safest drying options are. Ultimately the safest and best form of drying your hair is leaving it to air dry, however this isn’t always the most practical. If you are pushed for time then the next best option is tapping your hair gently with a towel so it absorbs most of the moisture. If you need to use a hair dryer then please make sure you absorb most of the water with a towel first and always use a heat defence spray on your hair. Try not to use a hair dryer more than a couple of times a week maximum.
Can Lumiere Clinic help?
If you’ve found your hair is damaged or thinning and you want help, we can offer you expert advice on how to treat your scalp and look after your hair with a full scalp examination/consultation. This helps us identify your long term hair goals and whether this is a suitable treatment option for you.
To enquire, simply visit our contact page to find our details, and we’ll arrange a consultation at a date and time to suit you.