2nd February 2019
Can your lined forehead be having an effect on how your whole face is perceived? There’s a simple test you can do to find out. Cover up the lines on your forehead with your hand, when you look in a mirror, and see if you can notice a difference.
Anti-wrinkle injection aficionados claim that the removal of a couple of deep creases on the upper face can have a dramatic impact on the rest of the face, turning back the clock on your age by years, not just months! This is surely the reason why Botox treatment is the nation’s number 1 cosmetic treatment, with millions enjoying its benefits.
How the treatment works
Anti-wrinkle injections work by stopping certain muscles from contracting. If your muscles aren’t contracting, then the skin will naturally look firmer, wrinkle-free and more youthful. When Botox is applied to the forehead, this will have secondary effects on the eyes. There’s a high chance your eyes will look more youthful too.
Botox doesn’t just play a huge part in reducing the lines that run horizontally across the forehead, but also the lines that run vertically between the eyebrows, known as glabellar lines, the crows feet lines, which occur to the sides of the eyes, and it also works on drooping eyebrows.
Eyebrows can be forced to droop due to some medical conditions, as well as the ageing process. Whatever the reason for them, there’s no escaping that they can make you look older. Anti-wrinkle injections administered by one of our highly skilled and experienced practitioners can push your eyebrows up again, making you look more rested, rejuvenated and refreshed. This is another treatment area that will make the eyes look less tired.
How long do the results last?
Your anti wrinkle injections will be applied here at Lumiere, in our friendly modern treatment rooms. The whole process takes under 30 minutes, when you have your actual appointment, but prior to that, you will need to visit our practitioner for a consultation.
The skin of every customer will be maturing in an individual way, so to ensure that Botox is the treatment which will provide you with the most effective enhancement, we need to see you in person first. Should an alternative treatment be more appropriate for you, then we’ll make our suggestions upon assessing your face.
Once you’ve received your anti-wrinkle treatment, you might notice minor swelling and bruising at the injection site, but this should have settled down in advance of the results first becoming visible 3-4 days later. The maximum results will be seen 10-14 days later and then last for 3-4 months. Top up treatments are available from us. We’ll send you a reminder when it’s time, should you wish to retain your new, rejuvenated looks. (Most people do wish to retain them!)
If you have any questions about the treatment, our practice, or you’re ready to book a consultation with us, please get in touch. We’ve been working in facial aesthetics for many years. We’ll be able to reduce your wrinkles and make your tired eyes look less so, not to mention part of a thoroughly refreshed face; all in a subtle, natural-looking way. Please drop us an email, or give us a call.