14th July 2020
When it comes to your lips, there’s lots we can do to help create a beautiful smile. At Lumiere skin clinic, Manchester, a little boost to your lips can do a whole lot for your confidence, with a knock-on effect to lots of other areas of your life.
Our approach is always to create results that work perfectly with the rest of your features, giving you a noticeable difference without appearing fake or overdone. In other words, we favour a natural outcome – after all, you can always add a little more, but you can’t always take it away.
At our Manchester skin clinic, we regularly carry out lip filler and dermal filler treatments, giving our clients structure and shape to their lips, helping fill in those deep lines, and also creating that sought-after volume that many people feel their smiles lack. Our experts have lots of different approaches to performing lip fillers and dermal fillers to enhance your smile, and in this post, we’ll share three of the most common.
1) Va-va-volume
It’s a well-known fact that, with age, our skin can start to thin and lose its youthful elasticity. This is also the case for lips, where we can find our smiles gradually losing volume. Lip fillers are often the answer, helping create a bigger, beautiful boost.
Another reason for thin lips could simply be genetics, but it can mean that your smile appears ‘toothy’ and doesn’t have the shape and size you’re looking for. Again, lip fillers can help give you natural-looking, yet enhanced, lips.
2) Happy smiles
Dermal fillers can be carefully injected around the mouth to help improve the appearance of the smile. There are several areas where ageing lines and wrinkles appear in this area, such as the nasolabial lines (which run from mouth to nose) and marionette lines (which run from the corners of the mouth to the chin). You can further boost results with botox injections – such as if you have crows’ feet when you smile, for example.
Lip fillers and dermal fillers can also be used around the smile to give it a ‘lift’ and help reduce lines in the corner of the mouth.
3) The perfect outline
When we think of beautiful lips, we imagine curves and contours, creating that gorgeously rounded shape which instantly defies your age. Injections can be carried out to help give lips that lovely shape, whether by giving the lip line definition, or by lifting the cupid’s bow.
Again, we emphasise that a natural approach is often the best approach. There’s something special about making subtle improvements that leave others guessing, without being obvious you’ve had a treatment carried out!
Book today
Whether you choose dermal fillers, lip fillers or a combination of these to enhance your smile, trust in our Manchester skin clinic to carry out a safe, comfortable procedure that will give you results for many months to come. Get in touch with our team to book your consultation today.