16th May 2023
Can the two peacefully coexist?
Well, of course, they can! Aesthetic and medical procedures can be life-changing. They can vary from minuscule non-invasive treatments to full-on surgical procedures. Therefore it is only natural that our anxiety can occasionally interfere with our treatment journey.
Our minds are complex things, and anxiety can sometimes take control of us without any warning. This Mental Health Awareness Week, the theme is anxiety. To help our current and future patients understand our stance on anxiety within aesthetics, we thought we’d put together some helpful tips and advice.
Identify your trigger
Now I know this isn’t always straightforward for everyone, and some people may never understand what triggers their anxiety, but if you pick apart the root cause of your worries, we may be able to help you. There can be many triggering aspects to Aesthetic treatments, from physical things like needles to other things like the change in your own appearance. Our practitioners are there to ensure your visit is smooth and easy as possible. Therefore no question is too “silly” or too “dramatic” to ask… ask away. We’re always happy to talk you through any part of the procedure.
Contact a member of staff.
Following on from the above point, remember all staff members are here to help you, not just practitioners. So if you have any worries or feel your anxiety is getting too much, please reach out to a staff member, and we’ll always go out of our way to help you the best you can.
You are in complete control.
Please remember when visiting the clinic that you are in total control of the treatment you receive. If you’re feeling pressured into treatment you don’t want; please highlight this to a member of staff. All our members of staff have received safeguarding training and will help anyone in distress.
Even if you aren’t feeling pressure and are just apprehensive about treatment, that is also completely fine. Sometimes we can be a little too British in our mannerisms and can go ahead with something we don’t want to do to avoid being seen as awkward or difficult. At Lumiere Clinic, we want to reiterate that you aren’t wasting anyone’s time, and if you don’t want to go ahead with your treatment, please don’t feel pressured into doing so.
We won’t treat you if you’re not suitable for treatment.
Lastly, if one of our practitioners doesn’t feel you are in an appropriate state of mind to get ahead with treatment, they will hold off treating you until another occasion. Anxiety can often restrict us from doing things, but on the contrary, it can also make us impulsive, so we always want to make sure our patients are 100% certain about their treatment before we start. At the clinic, we have a number of policies and procedures put in place to ensure our patient’s safety at all times. These vary from consent forms, depression and anxiety assessments, and general health questionnaires, amongst many other things.
How can I contact a member of staff at the clinic?
We are available on call from 10 am – 8 pm, Monday to Thursday, & 10 am – 5 pm Friday & Saturday (Sunday we are closed). Our number is 0161 236 6500.
You can also email us at info@lumiereclinic.co.uk, and we will make sure to reply to your email within 48 hours.
Alternatively, you can contact us via our social media accounts @lumiereclinicuk.
If you need any further information or are struggling with your anxiety, please don’t suffer in silence and look at these helpful links below.
Mental Health Foundation: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/our-work/public-engagement/mental-health-awareness-week
Samaritans: https://www.samaritans.org/
Greater Manchester Mental Health: https://www.gmmh.nhs.uk/voluntary-support-organisations/
Manchester Mind: https://www.manchestermind.org/
42nd Street Manchester: https://www.42ndstreet.org.uk/